
I started as an Assistant Professor at the University of California, Santa Barbara on March 1, 2017. To learn more about our group, check out our website: http://deylab.com/

Previously, I was a post-doc in Alexander van Oudenaarden’s group at the Hubrecht Institute, The Netherlands. I did my PhD at the University of California, Berkeley in David Schaffer’s group.

As a graduate student, I studied how the decision between a latent and lytic state in Human Immunodeficiency Virus-1 (HIV-1) is regulated by viral gene expression noise. Using quantitative single-cell techniques, I studied how the chromatin environment regulates gene expression dynamics in the mammalian genome.

Since traditional single-cell methods, such as single-molecule mRNA FISH, allow quantification of only a handful of parameters concurrently, as a post-doc I started developing new genome-wide techniques that enables sequencing both genomic DNA and mRNA from the same single cell. I am currently working towards automating such integrated single-cell methods and extending such genome-wide techniques to epigenetic measurements in single cells.

Research Interests

Gene expression noise, single-cell genomics, single-cell epigenomics, transcription, epigenetics, quantitative biology and dynamical systems

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